CBN and banks’ N649 billion bad loans
Godwin Emefiele, CBN Governor
A recent Central Bank of Nigeria
report, which reveals that banks had a huge stock of non-performing
loans to the tune of N649.63 billion in 2015, is ominous. It shows
deterioration in corporate governance and a failure to learn from the
recent ugly past. The regulatory agencies – the CBN and the Nigerian
Deposit Insurance Corporation – should step up their oversight
activities to avoid another crisis in the banking sector.
Details of the CBN Staff report,
which was deliberated upon at the last Monetary Policy Committee
meeting in Abuja, showed that 18 out of the 22 deposit money banks
recorded increased bad loans, while eight banks exceeded the regulatory
five per cent limit ratio of bad loans to total loans. Among them were
three banks that recorded 10 per cent.
n 2014, the banks had N42.86 billion NPLs, which the CBN
Director of Banking Supervision, Tokunbo Martins, described as “rising
beyond tolerable limit.” Now, grossing N649.63 billion in 2015, the
alarm bells should be ringing. Though the spike has been attributed to
the fall in crude oil prices at the global market, decline in investor
confidence and slow output growth, these arguments do not explain the
whole mess. We believe that laxity in bank credit administration, poor risk management practices and poor surveillance by the CBN are at the heart of this stress signal.
It has happened before. The
2008/9 crisis in the financial sector led to the sacking of the chief
executive officers of five banks, regulatory takeover of the affected
banks and loss of shareholder values. The precarious outlook, according
to the CBN, was because their managements “acted in a manner detrimental
to the interest of their depositors and creditors.”
The CBN, therefore, should go
beyond the veil of oil price volatility in understanding the crisis and
facing the challenge. In the wake of the publication of the list of bank
debtors recently, it was discovered that some banks never carried out
due diligence before credits were granted, underpinned by some loan
beneficiaries’ dodgy documentations and legal reactions that came to the
fore. What has happened to collaterals that should underpin such
Depositors did not lose their
cash in the near-total banks collapse eight years ago simply because of
the N620 billion tier two capital, which the then governor of the CBN,
Lamido Sanusi, injected into the system and the seizure of the banks by
the CBN/NDIC. This is a luxury the country cannot afford now with the
economy in a deep financial crisis. The 2015 stress symptom should not
be allowed to morph into distress. Banks have become more of public
trust in addition to being private business concerns.
It is, therefore, critically
important that effective monitoring and policing of the banks be mounted
by the CBN and the NDIC to unravel toxins in their systems before they
cause irreparable damage; and those trafficking in insider-abuse made to
face the full wrath of the law.
The delinquency of the
regulators explains why 220 Nigerians owed the Asset Management
Corporation of Nigeria N1.14 trillion as of February this year. AMCON
had initially used N4 trillion to buy back the toxic loans of some
banks, from which it has yet to recover. Nigeria is probably the only
country where serial debtors are allowed to use their ill-gotten wealth
to buy private jets and yachts, run their business abroad, and gallivant
freely in the society.
With the year in the second
quarter, dark clouds are not over just yet. The World Bank in its
projection, said the 2015 negative trends will drag deep into 2016, in
what it describes as “substantial risk contagion” to countries close to
the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa – economies. From
an earlier predicted 3.3 per cent growth rate for Nigeria, the bank has
reviewed its forecast downwards to 2.9 per cent.
Therefore, the CBN governor,
Godwin Emefiele, as the chief bank regulator, should ensure that banks
are religiously guided by this austere horizon. Indeed, the geometric
increase in banks NPLs of N42 billion in 2014 to N649 billion in 2015
cannot be easily glossed over. A fiery enforcement of the CBN revised
guidelines for finance companies, which include, among others, corporate
governance; risk management; lending limits; know your customer; is
needed of him in 2016. This will save the banks and depositors the
danger inherent in unduly high exposure to bad loans.
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