The light is fading quickly now, turning the white scene into Grey and black. The Labour of our hero's past why let it be in vain l! . Many activist, gentle and temperamental citizens sacrifice their lives just for us to be free: should we then blame them for not leaving the country to her fate. Colonialism is better than independence and sovereignty many will clamor.
It is crystal clear that this dear nation is suffering from leadership crisis. Prevalent or dominant in our mind and country are people who are encincturing for themselves the privilege that is meant for the common citizens, we are then left with death traps for road, leftovers for breakfast, epileptic power supply. It is never an overstatement to refer to the nation killers as AMBASSADORS OF POVERTY..
It is a fallacy to assume that all our leaders are tainted but the microscopic few will suffer with the guilty one's. Selfishness, corruption and overambitious impregnated them and gave birth to the bad state of the economy. Leaving the state in darkness, blinded by the incompetence and dishonesty of the power drunk. Our lamps are constantly fading, leaving us with our instinct to choose the right path.
Let's make a joyful noise for the solution of the country's problem has been discovered : THE DECLARATION OF A TRIUMPH, '' THE SOLUTION IS YOU ''. The youths of today subsequently the leaders of tomorrow. Today we know but tomorrow is unrevealed, a time will come when the nation killers will be seen no more, metaphysically they rot in hell , scientifically of crash and systematically of brain tumor.
"the sun shall rise from the east and set in the West once again". Tomorrow rest on our shoulders, the contract we enter the oat we take all shall hunt us. Don't forget :YOU ARE THE KEY.
long live Nigeria!!!!
The light is fading quickly now, turning the white scene into Grey and black. The Labour of our hero's past why let it be in vain l! . Many activist, gentle and temperamental citizens sacrifice their lives just for us to be free: should we then blame them for not leaving the country to her fate. Colonialism is better than independence and sovereignty many will clamor.
It is crystal clear that this dear nation is suffering from leadership crisis. Prevalent or dominant in our mind and country are people who are encincturing for themselves the privilege that is meant for the common citizens, we are then left with death traps for road, leftovers for breakfast, epileptic power supply. It is never an overstatement to refer to the nation killers as AMBASSADORS OF POVERTY..
It is a fallacy to assume that all our leaders are tainted but the microscopic few will suffer with the guilty one's. Selfishness, corruption and overambitious impregnated them and gave birth to the bad state of the economy. Leaving the state in darkness, blinded by the incompetence and dishonesty of the power drunk. Our lamps are constantly fading, leaving us with our instinct to choose the right path.
Let's make a joyful noise for the solution of the country's problem has been discovered : THE DECLARATION OF A TRIUMPH, '' THE SOLUTION IS YOU ''. The youths of today subsequently the leaders of tomorrow. Today we know but tomorrow is unrevealed, a time will come when the nation killers will be seen no more, metaphysically they rot in hell , scientifically of crash and systematically of brain tumor.
"the sun shall rise from the east and set in the West once again". Tomorrow rest on our shoulders, the contract we enter the oat we take all shall hunt us. Don't forget :YOU ARE THE KEY.
long live Nigeria!!!!
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